The very first person that I ever photographed (outside of a few close friends) was Zaina, The Chic Chemist. Now she is a dear friend, but, at the time, she was a fashion blogger that I’d met at an event who seemed nice and was interested in a collaboration. I had never even met a […]


April 12, 2023

FAQs about Content Creator Photography Session

FAQs about Content Creator Photography Session 1

When it comes to an a photo shoot, location is everything. This is true whether you are taking photos indoors or outdoors. However, it can be trickier to pick an indoor location. Most options, like a studio or an AirBnB, you’ll need to pay for. If you’re looking for a more cost effective option, taking […]

Marketing, Photography

March 15, 2023

3 Tips for Setting Up a Branding Shoot in Your Home

3 Tips for Setting Up a Branding Shoot in Your Home 2

There’s nothing worse than getting home from a photoshoot, feeling like you nailed your content, and then realizing that you have too many similar looking photos. We all know the Instagram struggle, right? You can post a photo far faster than it takes you to create it. At that rate, you’re on a hamster wheel […]

Marketing, Photography

October 5, 2022

My 3 Step System to Triple Your Content Output

My 3 Step System to Triple Your Content Output 3

Picking a location for your photo shoot is always one of the most important and, sometimes, most intimidating choices you can make. You want a location that offers good options for lighting, backgrounds, and also just generally fits your vibe. To help you narrow down your options, I made a four question quiz that will […]

Marketing, Photography

September 14, 2022

Photo Shoot Locations that Perfectly Fit Your Vibe

Photo Shoot Locations that Perfectly Fit Your Vibe 4

I have to be honest – I have very mixed feelings about in person events when it comes to photography, networking, etc. There is such a wide range between events that are helpful and events that feel like an awkward waste of time. (Or, the absolute worst type of networking event, which is one that […]


August 24, 2022

Review of Studio 307 Themed Content Days

Review of Studio 307 Themed Content Days 5

There are a lot of crappy business books on shelves. There, I said it. And I meant it. Reading an amazing book about business can be a game changer, but, unfortunately, I am so hesitant to try them because I’ve been burned too many times. Have you ever felt that? The excitement of buying a […]


July 13, 2022

The Book that Changed the Financial Status of My Business

The Book that Changed the Financial Status of My Business 6

As any type of creator, business owner, or person online, head shots are a must. Yet, so many times I see folks simply taking head shots and not thinking about ways that they can uplevel those photos and turn them into personal branding photography. Why just have a nice photo of yourself when you can […]

Marketing, Photography

July 6, 2022

How to Uplevel Your Head Shots into Personal Branding Photography

How to Uplevel Your Head Shots into Personal Branding Photography 7

Whenever some asks what it is like to be an entrepreneur I think of the Tiktok/Instagram Reel sound that says “Sometimes maybe good? Sometimes maybe shit?”. While my business hasn’t always looked the same, I am celebrating three years of actual IRS recognition in July. (Whether right or wrong, I registered with the IRS before […]

Marketing, Personal

June 22, 2022

3 Things to Reduce Entrepreneurial Anxiety

Photo is a picture of a clear tote bag with words at the bottom that says 3 Things to Entrepreneurial Anxiety

With the wealth of articles about how to improve your photography skills across the internet, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Especially when the skills all seem to build upon each, so if you don’t understand one, then it seems impossible to understand anything else. I get it. I remember feeling that […]

Marketing, Photography

April 27, 2022

Three Ways to Improve Your Photography Skills

Three Ways to Improve Your Photography Skills 8

In honor of #CleanOffYourDeskDay, I started thinking about what programs and platforms actually help keep me organized. As someone who is always reticent to implement (and, let’s be honest, pay) for a new tool, when I find something I love, I am always happy to share. Below are my three favorite apps that keep me […]


January 9, 2022

My 3 Favorite Apps for Staying Organized

My 3 Favorite Apps for Staying Organized 9

Welcome to the first Quarter of 2022! Feel like you’re looking at a blank three months and wondering what to post? I’ve got you covered with some Q1 content ideas to get you brainstorming and ready to create some awesome stuff! Q1 Content Ideas – January New Year, New You – Don’t get me wrong, […]


December 30, 2021

Quarter 1 Content Ideas for a Great 2022

Quarter 1 Content Ideas for a Great 2022 10

We all know that the holidays are busy, especially for creators and bloggers. There are a lot of expectations in terms of gift guides, content, and all of the other responsibilities of being an influencer around the season. Which is why I created my November holiday package. Get all of your seasonal content taken care […]

Marketing, Photography

November 9, 2021

5 Things You Need for an Amazing Holiday Photo Shoot

5 Things You Need for an Amazing Holiday Photo Shoot 11